Even though I only started properly travelling in my twenties (for obvious financial reasons, and also there isn’t much independence you can gain as a daughter raised in a stereotypical strict Asian household until you actually leave home to live abroad for the first time), I’ve been extremely fortunate to have been on probably countless flights since. In my first few trips, I would collect as many travel and flying hacks from various sources to try to make each trip as smooth as possible. However, as I went on with more travels, I started gathering some on my own as well, including those that, to my surprise, barely anyone seems to be talking about – even though they are absolutely worth doing! Lucky for you, I am no gatekeeper for all things nice, so I will be listing below some of my favourite ones that I would not skip on any trip.
Whether you are a novice or a seasoned traveller, I believe you’ll find these tips relevant – and maybe a little life-changing, if I may be so bold. So maybe keep reading?
(Disclaimer: While not sponsored, this post does contain affiliated links.)
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