What you need to know before traveling to Cusco, Machu Picchu, and around in Peru

What you need to know before traveling to Cusco, Machu Picchu, and around in Peru


I just got back from a trip that could be perfectly summarized as the most amazing and surreal week I’ve had this year. Undoubtedly. Imagine a 23-year-old girl from Indonesia who does not even speak Spanish traveling solo to South America for the first time.. Yup, that’s me!

Recollecting memories from the journey still got me as pumped as I was when I was just about to depart from Calgary Airport in Alberta, Canada to that other continent in the other side of the world. Hence while the memories are still vividly preserved, I have decided to write down the details about my trip to the beautiful country of Peru which could be the case of many of you: a non-Spanish speaker wishing to travel solo to witness the grandeur of Machu Picchu–on a budget. If that sounds familiar to yourself, keep going! I might just have the perfect story to share with you.

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VIA Canada 150 Trip Part 8: Chéticamp, NS

VIA Canada 150 Trip Part 8: Chéticamp, NS

Out of all places I travelled to within this nearly one month trip, Chéticamp offers the most unexpected journey indeed. Many things didn’t actually go as I planned, but at the end of the day, I realized that those are all the facts that made this journey very remarkable. And still, that shifting plans do not change the fact that this small town located just outside the entrance of the Cape Breton National Park is such a charm worth uncovering; with its bluish scene of the limitless Atlantic Ocean and the sparkling drops of goldish sun rays touching it, wildflowers of all magnificent summer hues that separates the ocean with a secret pedestrian road that I stumbled upon by chance, and of course the majestic green highlands on the other side of the road, surrounding the town with such splendid background.

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VIA Canada 150 Trip Part 7: Cape Breton National Park (i)

VIA Canada 150 Trip Part 7: Cape Breton National Park (i)

To me, Cape Breton National Park simply redefines Canadian beauty to another level. The eight-hour tour of Cabot Trail gave me perfectly amazing first impression and glances of the outer boundary of the park, but the acadian, boreal, and taiga forest hidden inside the park is another gem yet to be discovered. What sort of beauty hidden behind those uprising highland plateau covered in green? What kind of wild lives disguised among those dark, yet enchanting woodland? How does it feel like to view the most picturesque sunset submerging to the depth of the ocean from the one of those soaring peaks? Never in my thoughts before I knew that I would actually find all the answers soon.

And just like that, I knew for sure I had to hike to enjoy the best sides out of it. However, I am no experienced mountain hiker with only a couple experiences in the past, and being a solo traveller did not seem to help at all for I wasn’t confident at all to explore Canadian mountain by myself as the wild animals were common sights in all national parks. But my persistence kept me going to find a possible way to hike with at least one other more experienced person, and that had led me to one of the greatest hikes in my life by far.

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From Illinois to California on Amtrak’s Southwest Chief

From Illinois to California on Amtrak’s Southwest Chief

I ended 2016 and began 2017 doing something I never really thought in a lifetime I would do: taking a train trip from the very easternmost state of United States of America to the very westernmost one. Yes, together with some amazing companions, I journeyed through the land of U.S.A., which is pretty much equivalent with literally going from the easternmost border of the continent of North America to the westernmost side. By road. Yes, it was one heck of a remarkable once-in-a-lifetime trip in summary.

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Why choosing Emirates was the best thing happened to me in 2016 – part III: Toronto

Why choosing Emirates was the best thing happened to me in 2016 – part III: Toronto

Keesokan paginya, semua awalnya terlihat berjalan lancar. Karena antisipasi berlebihan, saya tiba di bandara 3 jam sebelumnya, gate pun belum dibuka. Sempat telepon Adhi dulu dan meyakinkan dia untuk jangan cerita siapa-siapa (meski akhirnya saya tulis juga di blog ini, lol). Beberapa jam kemudian saya sudah berada di pesawat menuju Toronto.

Kemudian saya menyadari, there could be another challenge. Karena di Toronto saya harus membuat study permit sebelum lanjut ke connecting flight, dan saat itu waktu transit saya kurang dari 90 menit sebelum pesawat menuju Edmonton berangkat. And it would be utterly stupid if I miss another flight during this trip.

Pesawat pun landing di Toronto, dan saya sudah siapkan semangat terambis saya untuk menyerbu barisan manusia di airport demi mencapai antrian sedepan-depannya di Canada Borders and Immigration. Dan benar saja dugaan saya, antriannya sangat panjang hingga saya betul-betul panik apakah saya bisa tepat waktu mengejar flight selanjutnya.

Setelah menunggu pergerakan yang sangat memakan waktu di antrian tersebut (dan dua kali antri pula) dan study permit saya pun terbit setelah interview yang bikin gemas karena interviewer saya kelewat santai sementara saya gak berani minta buru-buru karena takut study permit saya malah gak terbit, saya langsung lari sekencang-kencangnya menuju gate. Dan ternyata… jauh. Banget. Parah. Kacau. Saya gak ingat mana yang lebih capek, saat lari-lari di LHR mengejar pesawat menuju Toronto yang akhirnya saya ketinggalan, atau pada saat itu. Betul-betul gak ada detik yang gak saya habiskan dengan berlari, saya cuma jalan karena memang mesti antri di security check seperti normalnya. Saya masih ingat betapa ingin nangisnya saat itu karena saya mengecek jam tangan saya setiap menit, menyadari bahwa pasti kalaupun saya beruntung saya akan jadi the last passenger on board. Di escalator dan di manapun saya terus lari dengan kecepatan dan durasi yang jauh melebihi tes lari jaman TPB di ITB (kebayang kan capeknya!) sampai akhirnya, kurang dari lima menit sebelum closing gate saya sampai di gate tersebut.

I was indeed the very last passenger to board. Kurang dari satu menit setelah saya duduk, pesawat pun take off.


Saat itu hanya rasa syukur yang ada. Akhirnya saya di penerbangan final menuju Edmonton, menuju tempat yang sudah saya nanti-nantikan sejak berbulan-bulan lalu, gak harus lagi merasa deg-degan sepanjang penerbangan.

And it was worth it. I liked Edmonton from the very first time, I had Tim Horton’s for the very first time (and got one free double-double somehow! Yay), I knew I’m going to love being here for the upcoming two years.

Meskipun dua bagasi saya ternyata nyasar, dan saya yakin sepenuhnya itu masih tertinggal di London saat transisi dari Emirates ke Air Canada. Betul-betul sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga. But well, just a reason to shop new clothings, lol.

Why choosing Emirates was the best thing happened to me in 2016 – part II: London

Why choosing Emirates was the best thing happened to me in 2016 – part II: London

Selama di penerbangan Dubai-London, saya berkali-kali bertanya pada tiga pramugari berbeda karena gak satupun dari mereka betul-betul mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan. All they said was, “It’s okay, everything’s going to be just fine.” How cliché.

Kemudian tiba lah di London. Dengan sigapnya saya langsung buka kabin, keluar lewat pintu di belakang saya melawan antrian, dan langsung melesat dari pintu exit ke bandara dengan kondisi pundak yang serasa hampir copot saking berat dan besarnya hand luggage saya.

I only had less than 90 minutes before my next flight closes the gate.

Saya pun mencoba mencari Ground Staff karena para pramugari tadi bilang, those are the people I need to help me out. Namun sialnya, saya dioper-oper dari satu staf ke yang lain. Saya sudah jalan menuju Flight Connection meskipun I swear semua orang yang baru turun dari pesawat langsung walking straight menuju Baggage Claim (yang jelas-jelas bikin saya panic karena saya satu-satunya  orang yang ada di lorong menuju Flight Connection!). Karena gak yakin, saya bertanya pada staf pertama yang saya temui di setengah jalan menuju Flight Connection. Dan dia bilang, “You should go back to Emirates in Terminal 3.”

Like… what? Saya langsung lari ke arah berlawanan, kembali menuju Terminal 3. Dan somehow, saya agak lupa kejadiannya karena saat itu saya luar biasa terburu-buru, tapi saya ingat betul bahwa ujung-ujungnya saya bolak-balik sebanyak dua kali antara Terminal 2 dan 3.

Terakhir kali di Terminal 3, beruntung saya bertemu seorang pramugari Emirates yang super-duper baik dan nampak khawatir dengan saya, kemudian dia bilang, “No, you go straight to Air Canada.” Yang berarti dari tadi saya sudah benar! Saat itu saya sudah menghabiskan 30 menit waktu berharga saya karena I swear itu adalah jauh banget kacau.

In less than an hour, my flight to Toronto will be taking off.

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