Alive Again

Hello there, passerby.

It’s nice to see you down here, I must say. Here, in a (currently) rather quiet space that I decided to re-build again from scratch after my old Tumblr account which I’ve managed for at least the last 8 years got locked forever. And with the need of finding a new home somewhere on the internet for my random thoughts and rather fluctuating passion on sharing stories and whatnot, I decided that I had to have my own domain.

So, Dhania Albani was born. Not on Instagram this time, but right here!

While I’ll be posting daily journal and stories of-hopefully-mostly positive vibes under this place, a more melancholic side of me will be taking care the other one: Whimsical Words.

So, this is it. And with the fact that I’ll be transitioning into a new phase of life within a few months, I guess this blog will witness more of that part later.

I hope you’re having a great day and,


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